G13 Project Room: Visual Diary by Izzat Hamdan
28 JULY - 11 AUG 2018
G13 gallery is proud to present Izzat Hamdan, a fine art graduate from Universiti Teknologi MARA. G13 Project Room denotes Izzat’s first exhibition at G13 gallery.
‘Visual Diary’ or as the title name suggested is literally a visual diary that documents the artist’s selected memorable moments in his life. The visual will be represented in a form of imaginary landscape which comprised of random sized canvas being patched together. The incorporation of sewing technique is an ode to the artist’s grandmother who is a tailor up until today. The hard work and passion shown serves as inspiration and a huge influence on Izzat’s art making process.
Despite regarding his art genre as post-formalist, Izzat Hamdan as a person is a definite sentimentalist at heart. Just like how he combined bits and pieces of canvas in his process, he selectively constructed which memories of his worthy to be highlighted and shared to his audience.
Most of his series of landscape comprised of a bisection of the sky and the earth by which, could intrinsically symbolizes hope and reality. The sky in each of the paintings are done in different hue of blue and does not necessarily suggest the time but rather what kind of emotion the artist was in at that particular moment.
Through G13 Project Room program, the artist would not only be showcasing his body of work as an introduction to his art career but also a step moving forward for his well-being both as an artist and a person. The showcase will display eight oil paintings from Izzat Hamdan. ‘Visual Diary’ is a showcase exhibition by Izzat Hamdan, a program by G13 Project Room.

Izzat Hamdan
Acrylic, Oil Pastel, Charcoal and Stitching on Canvas

Izzat Hamdan
Acrylic, Oil Pastel, Charcoal and Stitching on Canvas

Every Day is a Holiday
Izzat Hamdan
Acrylic, Oil Pastel and Stitching on Canvas

Every Day is a Holiday
Izzat Hamdan
Acrylic, Oil Pastel and Stitching on Canvas
- Izzat Hamdan