G13 Project Room: ‘Factual Glitch’ by Nik Mohd Shahfiz
22 April - 4 May 2019
‘Factual Glitch’ represents the artist’s interest in incorporating glitching bugs that commonly happen in computing and electronics industries, into the works of art. Glitch is generally described as a sudden, temporary, small problems or fault that prevents a system from being successful or working as well as it should. Interested in its formal qualities that take into the form of pixelated images, sometimes duplicated and warped, Nik Shahfiz integrated this somewhat digital aesthetic to simulate meaning for the series of paintings he produced recently.
Nik Shahfiz will be exhibiting six new artworks at G13 Project Room. Exhibition will runs from 22nd April until 4th May 2019.
Gallery opens daily from 11AM to 5PM, closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. To find out more about the exhibition, please log on to www.g13gallery.com or www.facebook.com/G13gallery. You may also reach us at 03 – 7880 0991, or email info@g13gallery.com for more
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