13 - 27 April 2019
G13 is proudly to present ‘#SKULL’, a group exhibition that features fourteen artists namely Aiman Zamri, Al-Khuzairie Ali, Arikwibowo Amril, Eddie Hara, Edroger Rosili, Faizal Suhif, Gan Tee Sheng, Hisyamuddin Abdullah, Khairudin Zainudin, Ruzzeki Harris, Shafiq Nordin, Syahbandi Samat, Shahrul Jamili Maskon and Winner Jumalon.
‘#SKULL’ which can be easily found below a skull have been synonymously associated with a sign of death. ‘#SKULL’, its direction as a group exhibition is to seek and unravel the mystery behind skull as favorable subject matter among artists in art world. This exhibition will be disclosing the meaning behind that particular subject. There will be approximately 28 artworks in various techniques and styles. Drop by our gallery to witness how these artists come up with each of their respective interpretation of the theme.
‘#SKULL’ runs from 13th until 27th April 2019 at G13 Gallery. Gallery opens daily from 11am to 5pm, closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. To find out more about the exhibition, please log on to www.g13gallery.com or www.facebook.com/G13gallery. You may also reach us at 03 – 7880 0991, or email info@g13gallery.com for more.

Death of the Author
Edroger Rosili
Variable Dimensions
Hand Sculpted Paper Clay Skull Replica, Paint Brushes, Copper & Steel Chain

Death of the Author
Edroger Rosili
Variable Dimensions
Hand Sculpted Paper Clay Skull Replica, Paint Brushes, Copper & Steel Chain

Birth of the Reader
Edroger Rosili
Variable Dimensions
Hand Sculpted Paper Clay Skull Replica, Paint Brushes, Copper Acrylic with Satin Finish & Steel Chain

Birth of the Reader
Edroger Rosili
Variable Dimensions
Hand Sculpted Paper Clay Skull Replica, Paint Brushes, Copper Acrylic with Satin Finish & Steel Chain

Neverland I
Al-Khuzairie Ali
Ceramic, Vehicle part, Silver chain, Barrel swivel, Nut and Bolt

Neverland I
Al-Khuzairie Ali
Ceramic, Vehicle part, Silver chain, Barrel swivel, Nut and Bolt

Neverland II
Al-Khuzairie Ali
Ceramic, Vehicle part, Silver chain, Barrel swivel, Nut and Bolt

Neverland II
Al-Khuzairie Ali
Ceramic, Vehicle part, Silver chain, Barrel swivel, Nut and Bolt

Underneath One S(k)IN
Syahbandi Samat
42.5x42.5cm & 29x20.5cm (Drawing)
Ballpoint on Canvas

Underneath One S(k)IN
Syahbandi Samat
42.5x42.5cm & 29x20.5cm (Drawing)
Ballpoint on Canvas

We All the Same from Inside
Khairudin Zainudin
Scratched on Photo Printed Aluminium

We All the Same from Inside
Khairudin Zainudin
Scratched on Photo Printed Aluminium
Click to view Artist Profile
- Aiman Zamri
- Al-Khuzairie Ali
- Arikwibowo Amril
- Eddie Hara
- Edroger Rosili
- Ruzzeki Harris
- Shahrul Jamili
- Syahbandi Samat
- Winner Jumalon